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Monday, October 5, 2015

Festival of Miracles.

Lord of Miracles Festival (Festa do Senhor dos Milagres) – Machico – 8th  to 9th October

Festa do Senhor dos Milagres is one of the most important religious festivities in the city of Machico, celebrated in the Chapel of “Senhor dos Milagres” one of the oldest chapels of Madeira and possibly the site where the two runaway lovers from Bristol, Anne d’Arfet and Robert Machin were buried. 
A flood destroyed the chapel in 1803, but miraculously the statue of the Lord having been washed out to sea was found 3 days later by an American galley that handed it over to the Cathedral of Funchal. Later it was returned to its respective chapel, reconstructed 15 April 1813. The miraculous day is still celebrated every year 9th October with a night candle procession; on this same day the Municipality of Machico also celebrates with the usual traditional entertainment, food and drink.
Text Taken from

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