Some Tips on using my blog

Please note the tabs at the top of my blog.

Picture Madeira. Here you find some great photos of this beautiful Island and I will add more from time to time, it is best to scroll to the bottom as this is where new photos will be.

Recipes. Here I will start adding some recipes of my favourite foods and drinks in Madeira, if you need a recipe for anything let me know.

Useful Links. Here I will start adding any useful links to do with Madeira, to help you get all the information you need before visiting.

Please note on the right hand column you have my connect with me icon to my social sites, 2 large links to my websites and one for direct contact to my email. Also if you join my blog you will never miss a post.

Contact me anytime, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Monday, June 8, 2015

3 years...

My blog turns 3 today. Thank you all so much for all your support, your comments, the lovely emails I receive and we look forward to the next year.

Please keep letting friends and family know about my blog, and share it like crazy ;-)



  1. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary . We love your blog .Looking forward to another year . Keep it up .Much appreciated .

  2. Congratulations Tobi, you do a fantastic job keeping us all up to date on Madeira. Love reading your postings as they are all so relevant and interesting. Keep up the good work and I hope to meet you and Nelio in person one day when I am on the island on one of my various visits!

  3. Feliz Aniversario, keep up the good work, love Elaine x

  4. Thank You for the comments. :)

  5. Enjoying your blog almost every day
    keep up the good work Tobi☺
    Looking forward to Our holiday in Caniço de baixo in August...

    Greetz from Holland

  6. Thank You Herbert, I hope you enjoy your stay.
