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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Madeira Palacio/Regency Palace

AFA group are in negotiations to by the Madeira Palacio Hotel which has been left in an empty state for many years after a refurbish was started. The group plan to take the hotel in a new direction.  Good news for the area if this goes through as it is a popular tourist area and needs lifting up.

The Regency Palace Hotel further along is due to close down on 30th June after the on going struggle with debts of millions.

1 comment:

  1. What happens about all those people and family's who have paid for time shares or advance holiday weeks at the Regency Palace Hotel. Will they get any compensation when it closes?
    If not it will lead to lots of bad publicity and a loss of many holiday visitors to Funchal.
