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Recipes. Here I will start adding some recipes of my favourite foods and drinks in Madeira, if you need a recipe for anything let me know.

Useful Links. Here I will start adding any useful links to do with Madeira, to help you get all the information you need before visiting.

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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Sorry State of Lugar de Baixo

Photos online from Elvio Sousa show the awful state of the "biggest white elephant" on Madeira-


  1. It's a shame because it was so lovely there especially at the pool area but the sea is an element that cannot be tamed and the sea won. They should have put where it was originally supposed to be sited which wasn't terribly far from Lugar but just along the road in front of the petrol station by the road up to Furna and near to Ribeira Brava.


  2. No wonder they leave the metal barriers up - although if they open it up more people would realise how disgusting it all looks now!
