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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ferry set to return.

This is just a straight copy and translation from the diario online.

The Board of the Regional Government, meeting this afternoon under the chairmanship of Miguel Albuquerque, "decided to establish the necessary procedures and steps that will allow the restoration of maritime connection between Madeira and mainland Portugal for transporting passengers and cargo."

The regional secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources, Susana Prada, who was spokesman for the executive meeting, said that the efforts to resume ferry operations are already underway. However, he declined to reveal details, as this dossier is being conducted by the Regional Secretary of Economy Eduardo Jesus, who was the last two days in London and returns tonight to Madeira.


  1. YESSSS!!!!!! Best news ever !!!

  2. Any further news on the ferry operation from mainland Portugal and Madeira
