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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Boutique Hotel

Just a bit of quick news. It looks like the Boutique Hotel that is planned for the area on Praça do Mar has got the go ahead. It seems all the businesses in the area  have been given notice to vacate It is believed Pestana Group want to build the Hotel.
Also the Ronaldo Museum could be moved just to the left of the planned hotel close to where the sailing club is, before you get to the Beer House, this area is still under development.

Photo jornaldamadeira


  1. Just what Madeira needs, another hotel (not).

  2. I disagree Emily. I think its great for people who are getting the ferry to and from p santo and its a nice easy flat walk into town which encourages more elderly people. better than empty hotels higher up and further from town maybe? Julia
