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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shell clear contaminated soil

Excavators began last week to remove part of the contaminated soils of the Shell terrain in the area of ​​Praia Formosa.

The technical aspects and the costs associated with the process are being supported by the proprietor of the land, the Shell itself, under supervision of the Regional Environmental Management.

Contaminated waste should leave the region destined for a landfill of hazardous waste, as reported RTP-M, with the part of officials to guarantee that the land now decontamination process does not constitute danger to the community or surrounding areas.

Apparently, cleaning the area will be a necessary requirement for sale of the property where Cristiano Ronaldo, in partnership with the Pestana Group, plans to build a hotel project.

Story from


  1. I see that there's an orange outline of the dirt in the last picture which must be the contaminated area of soil that they found on that patch of land. After reading through the article, I didn't find where it mentioned how the soil was contaminated. What exactly contaminated that patch of lang in the dirt there? At least they caught this early before they sold it and perhaps could have gotten some kind of lawsuit if someone wanted to build there, or if someone got sick from the contamination. This might have been a good thing to find this contaminated soil!

  2. This type of article is interesting and good to read. I love reading and I am always searching for informative info like this.
