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Friday, April 24, 2015

New Government.

So we now as of last Monday have a new Government, lead by President Alburquerque.

With this brings a new Secretary of Tourism. Eduardo Jesus.

Eduardo Jesus, former president of the regional delegation of the Economists in Madeira, was the name chosen by Miguel Albuquerque, newly elected President of the Regional Government for the position of Regional Secretary of Tourism and Culture and Economy of Madeira.

It would be great to see some things done on the island to help with Tourism.

I have already seen work has restarted on the motorway from Camara de Lobos to Jardim da Serra, which is good news for everyone living in that area.

I would also like to see the tunnel repaired on Encumeada to Paul da Serra, this needs to be done as its one of the main routes for tourists.

Calheta Marina all needs a huge tidy up, 2 nice hotels in the area now and the place looks a mess, why is this still like this???

Roads on the North coast need to be reopened, a huge loss for tourists coming to see the beauty of Madeira and missing out on this great drive along the coast from São Vicente to Porto Moniz. I understand the safety of this, but it is no fun driving this route in tunnel after tunnel. If it can not be reopened for traffic, then make it a walk way for tourists to walk with some kind of shuttle service.

Beach areas in general need more doing with them, Ribeira Brava, Porto da Cruz, São Vicente, Caniço de Baixo, Santa Cruz just to name a few all could do with a bit of love....

The old road from Madelena do Mar to Calheta should be re-opened, the new tunnel is great, but again takes the beauty away from the tourists...

Just a few ideas from me to make Madeira a better place for Tourism....

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