Some Tips on using my blog

Please note the tabs at the top of my blog.

Picture Madeira. Here you find some great photos of this beautiful Island and I will add more from time to time, it is best to scroll to the bottom as this is where new photos will be.

Recipes. Here I will start adding some recipes of my favourite foods and drinks in Madeira, if you need a recipe for anything let me know.

Useful Links. Here I will start adding any useful links to do with Madeira, to help you get all the information you need before visiting.

Please note on the right hand column you have my connect with me icon to my social sites, 2 large links to my websites and one for direct contact to my email. Also if you join my blog you will never miss a post.

Contact me anytime, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mobile Applications for Madeira (apps)

There are some really nice Mobile Applications (apps) for Madeira. A few I think that you really must have on your mobile device, whether your visiting Madeira for a holiday or lucky enough to be living here, these apps you will find very useful.

The first, and in my opinion the best App is WalkMe Levadas Madeira.

A great app for walkers and those enjoying Levada walks, The app is always updated and the support service is excellent, any problems and the team get straight back to you to help resolve any problems you might find in using the app.  The guide has almost 50 walks listed for Madeira, with photos, difficulty, distance and much more. You can also check-mark the walks you have done, and ones you want to do.

This App is free on GOOGLE PLAY and $2.99 on APPLE APP STORE  They also have a very nice WEBSITE if you don't own a smart device.

Those of you with Iphones and Ipads I will be GIVING AWAY FREE APPS later this month. Just send me an email at  letting me know you would like a free code for this app and the codes will be sent out very soon.

My 2nd must have app is for the Airport.

A great app for checking flight arrival and departure times. The app is free on both GOOGLE PLAY and APPLE APP STORE       WEBSITE

The 3rd must have app is for the weather in Madeira.

Madeira Weather lets you see detailed forecasts for the weather around Madeira, lets you bookmark your favourite locations, has a satellite images and also links to all the webcams round the island, so you can see what the weather is doing in real time.

The app is free on GOOGLE PLAY and $0.99 on APPLE APP STORE. Please also check the WEBSITE and under products you have another Mobile App for Fish in Madeira. I Have  few free apps For Apple devices for both Madeira Weather and Madeira Fish.

My 4th app Meet Madeira Islands

This is an app on APPLE APP STORE and is $1.99. I have some codes to give away, so if you have an Apple device why not give this app a try FOR FREE. Giving lots of information on Madeira it is the ideal guide for holiday makers. Photos, videos, attractions and more.

My last app Madeira Botanical Garden 

This app is on GOOGLE PLAY and is free. The app has all the information you need when planning a visit to the Botanical Gardens, one of Madeira's top tourist attractions.

Don't forget to contact me if you would like to try the WalkMe app and the Meet Madeira Islands app for free. I will send you a Promo code for you to enter when getting these apps from the Apple App Store.


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  2. Hi buddy,
    We can do several things with help of apps and our Android phone or tablet. Using the right Android app will help to save your time, organize your works and increase your productivity.
    Thanks for your comment.
    Have a nice day ahead..

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