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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Golden Gate update.

Luis Camacho owes debts of 46.7 million euros from the businesses he owns,  Golden gate and yacht bar being 2 of these. I believe it also includes the regency hotels but nothing has been said as to whether these will be affected and also another hotel, Hotel Mar which has closed but the staff moved to other places.

He has not paid any rent since owning the Golden Gate which I just can't understand and why on earth has it been left for so long for debts to to to this ridiculous amount....

1 comment:

  1. Very sad to see this place closed but very odd to let someone get in to such a level of debt with unpaid rental - makes no sense whatsoever! Hopefully someone will come along and reopen the Golden Gate as it adds so much to that area.
