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Monday, July 14, 2014

Body found at Praia Formosa

A body has just been found on the seabed at Praia Formosa. The person was wearing a wet suit and looks like got into difficulty around the rocks. The body is believed to have been there for some time.


  1. Are there any news about this accident? It seems like you are talking about my father, so I need to know the truth. Since I am in Ukraine and can't come to Madeira, I ask you for details. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi Svetlana

    I have seen no more information on this. I'm sure if it was your father next if kin would have been notified.

  3. Hi Tobi

    Thank you for reply!
    And I am sorry to
    bother you again!
    I was informed that my father's body was found on Monday, July 14 (drowned).
    To exclude the possibility of suicide, I need to know for sure whether he was wearing a diving suit. Because I have no information about this.

  4. The body was wearing a diving suit, and I font think was suicide.

  5. Many many thanks!!!
    You calmed my soul!

  6. Just an update on this story from today's diario.
    The person was from the Ukraine, no age given and they believe it was suicide as there was 15kg of weight strapped to the body.

  7. OMG!
    He was definitely my father. This confirms our worst fears

  8. Could this be the weight used by divers for catching oysters?

  9. it didn't say what the weight was, so i cant really comment. Very sad news.

  10. Tobi, please, keep me informed if you have any news. You give me hope to know truth. Thank you for this.

  11. Hi Tobi!
    Do you know any news on this sad story?
    Unfortunately I have no information from people who lived with my father. So, maybe you know anything new from police?

    Sorry to trouble you.

  12. Tobi, sorry for importunity, but your help in this story was invaluable for me!

    All the best,
