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Monday, June 30, 2014

Another death on a Levada

A german lady aged 48 has died after falling 20 meters at Lagoa de Madre de Agua in the hills of Calheta.

The victims husband raised the alarm just before 3pm this afternoon, a team of 10 rescuers attended the scene and recovered the body.


  1. Unbelievable that this has happened yet again. Perhaps hotels should post the news articles about these accidents in the reception areas to make people aware of the dangers. It is very hard to know how else to get the information through to people as they are obviously either just not aware of the dangers, taking too many risks with a "it won't happen to me" attitude or attempting walks that are beyond their abilities. Some nationalities seem more prone to these levada accidents than others for some reason! Very sad again for all concerned - not only the family of the lady but also for those that had to recover the body etc.

  2. A Levada website to keep people alert to dangers such as we experienced the other day where we had to scramble over a broken water runnel that had collapsed, on the way up to the Feitiras de Baixos plateau. Its was very easy to have slipped down the hillside. Having website that walkers and guides could update on the latest situation regarding landslides, weather etc. Easy option that could be control by the fire brigade or mountain rescue. Is there a website to alert walkers of any potential dangers?

  3. Hello Paul,

    I do not think there is a detailed enough site with any problems on Levadas. The tourist board site has a list of closed levadas which can be found on the link below. Most of these Levadas are the recommended walks from the tourist office, there are many other walks but these would be at your own risk. I would not advise doing walks on your own, have a guide or at least a few other people with you in case anything happens.

    I hope this has helped.
