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Picture Madeira. Here you find some great photos of this beautiful Island and I will add more from time to time, it is best to scroll to the bottom as this is where new photos will be.

Recipes. Here I will start adding some recipes of my favourite foods and drinks in Madeira, if you need a recipe for anything let me know.

Useful Links. Here I will start adding any useful links to do with Madeira, to help you get all the information you need before visiting.

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Contact me anytime, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Please Help

If your on Facebook can you please join this group Cruise Ferry Para a Madeira
The group has been started by Paulo J Melich Farinha.

The main focus is to bring back an uninterrupted ferry route between Mainland Europe and Madeira.
The group has been running for just over a year and has over 13000 members.

1 comment:

  1. The ferry was cancelled with regard to Madeira some 2 years ago. No definitive statement for the reason(s) came from either the government or the ferry company, however it is felt that the ramp owners were asking far too much money to land or load each vehicle. Certainly several times the dock fees charged either in the Canaries or Porimao. The MEP for Madeira, Nuno Teixeira will not answer sensible enquiries about reinstatement. I guess he will be voted out out the European elections in May. The lobby hopes the new regieme will look more favourably on reinstatement of the vital service as the economy of the Island has been seriosly disadvantaged by having no ferry links. perplexing is the President Jardim was at the launch of the Volcan de Tirade in Vigo and his wife named it. On this basis one would have thought his support was forthcoming.
