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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sad Death of German Tourist

A women of 43 was found dead in the sea at Reis Magos today, The lady had left her towel on the beach and gone for a swim. The lady had no I.D with her, but is believed to be staying in one of the hotels in the area, Tomorrow when hotel rooms are checked we may have some idea of the identity of the lady..
The body was removed from the water and taken to the hospital, a post-mortem  will be carried out to find the cause of death.

The lady was staying in Quinta Splendida Hotel in Caniço, and a lady from Galo Resort Hotel found the body in the sea,  The lady is said to have drunk half liter of Poncha before going to wet her legs in the ocean. I don't have any other news at the moment.


  1. Very sad to hear of this death :-(

    Tobi - I also just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog. I think you do a superb job in keeping us up to date with the island news, without highlighting things that have nothing at all to do with the island. Your blog also does not have the clique feel that some others have and that for me, makes it a fantastic read. Thanks and keep up the brilliant work.

  2. Tobi,
    If you hear or read any more news about this death, please post it. Unfortunately I may know who the lady is.

  3. Thank you so much for your comment Lurchers247, these comments make it all worthwhile.

    buzzing99 I don't have much other information, only know that she was staying at Quinta Splendida Hotel.

  4. Hi Tobi,
    Many thanks for the update. Would you be able to advise if she's been identified or named please?


  5. Hi Buzzing99,

    I don't think a name will be published, It might be worth doing a search on Google as it may have been reported in German news.

    1. Tobi. Many thanks for your postings. As it turns out, the lady we're concerned about (she's severely depressed), missed her flight and went to Marrakech instead - but no one, not even her closest friends, knew.
      She returned to the UK a couple of days ago, but seems to want to give up living.
      Sorry to bring a sad note to your blog, but appreciate your feedback.

      Some wonderful photos of the carnival too - hope you enjoyed it!
      Best wishes.

  6. Buzzing99 Glad your friend is OK, and lets hope she gets the help she needs. Blogs are not always full of good news. News is news whether happy or sad.
