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Helping you have a better experience in Madeira.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

MADS New Year extravaganza

MADS New Year Extravaganza
To bring in 2014 with a song and a dance, the Madeira Amateur Dramatics society (MADS) is  hosting  A New Year Extravaganza at the Baltazar Dias Theatre, Funchal on the 4th and 5th January 2014.  The programme includes songs from many popular hit stage shows and films including ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, ‘Oliver’,’ Chicago’, ‘Chess’, ‘Who framed Roger Rabbit’ , ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and many more.  In addition to the musical numbers and performances from invited British artists, the show will be interspersed with lively dialogue, comedy and just a few guest appearances by characters from the MADS previous production ‘Allo Allo.’ Remember, I will say this only once!
This year’s show also features a young group of talented Madeiran artists who will be performing for the first time with MADS.  They were overjoyed at being invited to participate, and MADS is equally pleased to be able to provide an opportunity for new, young Madeiran talent to be seen by both a national and international audience.
The shows will be held at 9pm (21:00hours) on Saturday 4th January and 7pm (19:00 hours) on Sunday 5th January.  Tickets are priced €10 and can be purchased from the theatre ticket office.

1 comment:

  1. Will be unable to come to Madeira this New Year but I am sure there are many people on the forums who would like to hear about the MADS show .
    Thank you for all your helpful information and a Happy New Year to you .
