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Monday, September 30, 2013

New Hotel Atalaia

A few artist impressions of the new hotel they are going to build at Atalaia in Canico de Baixo.


  1. Replies
    1. Ugly and going to spoil a beautiful local beach....

  2. Is it going to be built by Pestana????

  3. Will there still be access to the public beach there? Can't imagine why they feel another massive hotel is necessary at this location - there are already several. Shame to spoil this location that is used so much by locals for free access to the sea etc. There are so many massive hotels with under-occupancy on the island seems ridiculous to add to the tally. I really hope this area of Canico is not going to be turned in to a concrete jungle similar to what has happened to the lido area around Madeira shopping.

    1. Hi.

      Yes there will still be access to the beach but it will no longer be private like it is at the moment. If you want more information feel free to email me.

  4. I used to love this beach. It was a perfect example of Madeira's beautiful natural coast. Now the road to the beach has been dug up to make space for this disgusting waste of money and it's a scar on the island's beautiful landscape.

    The horrible design is bad enough but even if it was smaller and attractive it would still ruin the area.

    Please please please, help stop this hideous project from becoming a reality!

  5. I don't think it will be stopped, there is now a fence the east end so no access to the beach but you can still get to the beach from the west side.
    It will be a great shame to see this area become another huge unwanted hotel.
